E-Book Course Fee


VC has an institutional digital course materials program in which selected courses are designated “e-book courses” by the faculty. For each designate e-book course, the college charges a mandatory course fee.


All students who enroll in a course that requires a college e-book will be charged a course fee which will appear in their overall tuition and fees.


Students enrolled in designated e-book courses may access required course materials within the college's online Learning Management System (i.e., Canvas). See course syllabus for details including opt-out information.


What is an e-book?

An e-book is an electronic version of a printed book that can be read on a computer or handheld device.


What is the e-book course fee?

Victoria College has an institutional e-book program in which selected courses are designated “e-book courses” by the faculty. All students who enroll in a course that requires an e-book will be charged an e-book course fee which will appear in their overall tuition and fees. Students enrolled in designated e-book courses may access required course materials within Victoria College’s online learning management system (i.e., Canvas) on the first class day.


The e-book delivery option is less expensive than traditional textbooks. Students will have access to e-books on the first day of class on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. The e-book course fee price varies depending upon the course materials chosen by instructors, but prices are lower than the cost of printed materials.


How do I know if my course has an e-book course fee?

You can view course fees while searching the credit course schedule or through the Pirate Portal.


Class Schedule
When viewing the class schedule click on the course title > fees

Pirate Portal
Pirate Portal > Student Dashboard > View Books/materials for enrolled courses link


What if I don’t want to participate in the e-book course fee, or I have already purchased my course material another way?

Victoria College has worked with publishers to get your course materials at the lowest available cost. These materials are required by your instructor. If you decide that you do not want to participate, you will need to OPT-OUT of the program by the posted date by the bookstore. Some courses may also have courseware (i.e., Connect, MindTap, Webassign, MyLab, etc…) that accompany your e-book. You may have trouble finding the correct e-book and/or courseware required for your course, so please be aware that in some cases, opting out will make passing your course impossible. Before choosing to OPT-OUT, contact your instructor and/or the bookstore.


To OPT-OUT, please look for the bookstore email that will be sent to your pirate portal email account two weeks before the first class day. The bookstore email will have the OPT-OUT instructions for you to follow and the deadline to complete the OPT-OUT option.

After the posted date, you will not be able to OPT-OUT.


Majority of publishers offer a low cost print edition of your e-book to purchase in the bookstore. This low cost edition is specially priced for those who do not OPT-OUT of the e-book course fee. The low cost print edition will be available in the bookstore

Contact [email protected] for pricing information and/or availability.


What if I drop the course?

If you drop the course before the posted date, then the e-book course fee will be refunded. There will be no refunds after the posted date.


How do I access my e-book and/or digital materials?

Once you have paid your tuition and fees your e-book will be accessed through Canvas on the first day of class. Your instructor will provide specific directions or communication, if needed. If you’re having trouble receiving clarification from your instructor, then email the bookstore at [email protected].


If you have selected to OPT-OUT before the posted date, then you will not have access after the posted date.


Can I print my e-book?

Printing privileges are set by the publisher. Depending on the title and publisher, you may print from 0 to 10 pages at a time. Check within your e-book for more information regarding printing.


Can I OPT-IN once I’ve selected to OPT-OUT?

You may OPT-IN before the posted date. Look for the bookstore email that will be sent to your pirate portal email account for instructions on how to OPT-IN.


When will I receive my e-book course fee refund once I OPT-OUT?

Refunds can take up to two weeks after the posted date.


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